COMPLETE GUIDE TO DOGS: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Before beginning the installation, please refer to the SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. CONTENTS OF THIS FILE: *WINDOWS 95 INSTALLATION *MAC OS INSTALLATION *WINDOWS 3.1 INSTALLATION ======================================== WINDOWS 95 INSTALLATION STEP 1. Make sure your monitor is set to 256 colors (From the Start menu, choose Settings\Control Panel\Display\Settings\Color palette and change the color setting to 256 colors). STEP 2. Place the Complete Guide to Dogs CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive. STEP 3. Double click on the icon that represents your computer. STEP 4. Double click on DogGuide to see the contents of the CD-ROM. STEP 5. Double click on Winstall to launch the product installer. STEP 6. Follow the directions on the Winstall prompt screens. The installation program gives you the option of installing Oracle Media Objects (OMO) on your hard disk. If you choose to do this, it will speed up performance. It is not required, but we recommend it. STEP 7. After Winstall is finished, RE-START WINDOWS STEP 8. From your Program Menu select DogGuide, Complete Guide to Dogs, and the program will launch. (You must have the CD-ROM in your drive whenever you are running the Complete Guide to Dogs.) OPTIMIZING YOUR WINDOWS 95 INSTALL: STEP 1. On Windows 95, we recommend that you leave virtual memory on. STEP 2. To improve CD-ROM performance on Windows 95, open the window named "My Computer." Open the "Control Panel" icon, then open the "System" icon. STEP 3. Click the "Performance" tab. Under "Advanced settings," click the "File System" button. STEP 4. Click the "CD-ROM" tab in the File System window. Set the "Supplemental Cache Size" as large as possible based on your available memory. Set "Optimize Access Pattern" to match the speed of your CD-ROM drive. The CD-ROM drive documentation should tell you the drive's speed. STEP 5. Click the "OK" button on the File System window, then click the "OK" button in the System window. At this point, Windows 95 will restart, and the changes will take effect. UNINSTALLING COMPLETE GUIDE TO DOGS STEP 1. Open Windows Explorer and locate OMOPLAY on your computer's hard drive. STEP 2. Delete the OMOPLAY directory. STEP 3. Right-click on an empty spot on the Task Bar. STEP 4. Select Properties. STEP 5. Click the Start Menu Programs tab. STEP 6. Click Remove. STEP 7. Select DogGuide. STEP 8. Click Remove. STEP 9. Click Yes. Complete Guide to Dogs is now uninstalled. ======================================== MAC OS INSTALLATION STEP 1. Complete Guide to Dogs requires QuickTime and Sound Manager. If you have current versions of these system extensions installed, you can skip this step. Otherwise, open the folder called "Put in System Folder" on the Dogs disk. Drag all the files inside to your System Folder, where they will be installed as system extensions. If your Macintosh asks you if you want to replace older versions of these files, say "OK," but don't replace newer versions if they exist. When you've completed this step, you'll need to restart your Macintosh. STEP 2. Drag the DOGGUIDE icon from the Dogs disk to your hard drive. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have more than a few dozen fonts on your system, the product may freeze when you launch it. To prevent this, remove most of your fonts from your System folder (but leave Monaco, Chicago, Geneva and New York in your System Folder). Re-start your computer. STEP 3. To run Complete Guide to Dogs, make sure the Dogs CD-ROM is inserted, and double-click on the DOGGUIDE icon on your hard drive. NOTE: If you have an older CD-ROM drive or system, you may notice uneven performance when playing the movies and slideshows in Complete Guide to Dogs. You can improve performance by using the Memory Control Panel to turn off virtual memory, and set the disk cache to the smallest possible size. After you turn off virtual memory, you will need to restart your Macintosh. UNINSTALLING COMPLETE GUIDE TO DOGS STEP 1. Drag the DOGGUIDE icon from your hard disk to the trash. STEP 2. Empty the Trash. Complete Guide to Dogs is now uninstalled. NOTE: We recommend that you do not remove QuickTime or Sound Manager as these extensions are used by many other Macintosh programs. ======================================== WINDOWS 3.1 INSTALLATION STEP 1: Open the CD-ROM in the File Manager. Run the program "WINSTALL.EXE" by double- clicking on it. The installation program gives you the option of installing Oracle Media Objects (OMO) on your hard disk. If you choose to do this, it will speed up the performance when you run the Complete Guide To Dogs. It is not required, but we recommend it. STEP 2: If you have only 8 MB RAM, turn ON Virtual Memory. If you have 16 MB or more of RAM, for best performance, turn OFF Virtual Memory. To do this, open the Program Manager. Then open the Control Panel icon in the Main program group. Double- click the "386 Enhanced" icon, then click the "Virtual Memory..." button. Click the "Change>>" button to display more of the "Virtual Memory" window. In the "New Settings" group, for the "Type" entry, select "None". Click OK. Click "Yes" when you are asked "Are you sure you want to make changes to virtual memory settings?" STEP 3. Whether or not you have made any changes to Virtual Memory, you must RE-START WINDOWS. STEP 4. To run the Complete Guide to Dogs, go to your Program Manager and open the DogGuide program group. Double click on the DogGuide icon. (You must have the CD-ROM in your drive whenever you are running the Complete Guide to Dogs.) UNINSTALLING COMPLETE GUIDE TO DOGS STEP 1: Delete the entire directory where you installed the OMO player. By default, this direc- tory is called c:\OMOPLAY. STEP 2. In your Program Manager, delete the entire DogGuide program group. Complete Guide to Dogs is now uninstalled.